How to Avoid Toxins in 3 Simple Steps

Avoid toxins, and go “toxin free” is a mantra becoming more and more mainstream. For good reason! As the effects of toxic ingredients in our products become known, avoiding toxins is not likely to die down any time soon. Choosing to limit exposure and avoid toxins in the environment, food, personal care products and other sources has a profoundly positive impact on your health.

It can be confusing to start to learn about how to avoid toxins. What’s safe? What’s not so bad? These simple, easy-to-follow tips will help you get started.

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Have Razor Burn?

Have razor burn? What the heck is that? Just get rid of it – right?

It’s no secret that razor burn sucks. In case you’re curious, the cause is simple:

Razor burn, or razor bumps, also called pseudofolliculitis barbae, are small, irritated bumps on the skin. They develop after shaving, when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow into the skin. Razor bumps cause irritation and pimples – hence razor burn. They also may cause scarring.

Preventing razor burn by prepping skin thoroughly before shaving is most effective – but a lot of guys skip this. It takes more time and – let’s face it: dealing with multiple products is a pain.

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Promoting Purity with ibody science

Calling all bloggers, social media mavens, and lovers of healthy living! If you want to make some money while promoting products you love, we would love to partner with you through our affiliate program!

We know you only want to promote products you can stand behind. Because our products are made only with natural, nontoxic, effective ingredients – we know you’ll love sharing it with your network.

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Get Your Vitamins Naturally

There’s no doubt that there are times when supplemental vitamins are a good idea, but the best way to get your daily requirements of all vitamins is to consume them naturally – with food!

Most people don’t eat enough of the right foods to get all the vitamins needed to keep your body healthy. One of the strikes against getting the right vitamins through diet alone is time. It simply takes time to stop for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Another is the sheer availability of fast food. Most people are filled with the need to grab something to eat on the go.

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